Customer Testimonials

We had a brilliant experience in the recent purchase of a 330e. Ms. Winnie Kwok was a great help. She went back to office during her day off to arrange pickup when we had to come a day earlier than scheduled. Appreciated. Already recommended her service to friends for their future auto shopping.

Catherine Yang

Winnie is the nicest sales consultant i have ever met! she is considerate and professional, help me to get my dream car the wonderful BMW i4. highly recommend for all who wants a BMW and VIP experience!

Ray Zhang

I recently purchased an X5 with the help of Fiona, and I couldn’t be happier with the experience. Fiona provided exceptional service, answering all my questions and guiding me through the buying process with ease. She was incredibly knowledgeable and professional, making sure to explain everything in detail. She also helped me choose the most…

Kewei Charlie Shi

I had a fantastic experience with Winnie who helped me purchase my dream BMW car. From the moment I walked into the dealership, she was attentive, knowledgeable, and went above and beyond to ensure we got the perfect vehicle for my needs. She and her team patiently answered all of our questions, explained the features,…

marc lawrence paguirigan

I recently had the pleasure of purchasing a vehicle from Auto West BMW and was fortunate enough to be assisted by Winnie Guo. From the moment I stepped into the showroom, Winnie was incredibly welcoming and knowledgeable. She went above and beyond to ensure that all my questions were answered and that I felt comfortable…

G Gao

BMW Dealership in Richmond

The Ultimate Driving Experience – That feeling begins first with trusting your BMW purchase with Auto West BMW. Our passion for the BMW brand goes back many generations when our family-run business first imported BMW’s to Western Canada and then proudly opened Auto West BMW in Richmond, BC in 1986. We are dedicated to providing exceptional service, committed to the environment as the World’s Most Sustainable BMW Dealership, and are excited about the future innovations of the BMW brand. Visit our award-winning BMW dealership and dedicated BMWi and BMW M showroom to discover your next New or Pre-Owned BMW.